Road Scholar — 

These educational Africa tours combine culture and learning with classic safari experiences, such as tracking the big five on the Serengeti plains. Trace the migratory path north through the remote Serengeti, and cross into Kenya’s Maasai Mara reserve to search for the elusive leopard.  Learn about elephants in the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro, rhinos in the Great Rift Valley, and search for Mountain Gorillas in Volcanoes National Park.  Other safari highlights include luxury safari camps, searching the Maasai Mara for lions and cheetahs, scenic boat rides on the Zambezi River, Victoria Falls, and much more!

A leader in educational tours since 1975, Road Scholar offers 5,500 educational tours in all 50 states and 150 countries, and is one of the few non-profits among the large tour companies.  Their educational specialty tours allow you to travel alongside local and renowned experts and experience in-depth and behind-the-scenes learning opportunities, from cultural tours and study cruises, to walking, biking and more.

From Cuba to Antarctica, from Buenos Aires to Bangkok, from the Southern Hemisphere to theNorthern Lights, each of their 5,500 adventures takes learning to new dimensions. Whether it’s Aboriginal artifacts in the archives of a remote Australian museum or Zambian zebras along the Zambezi River, the expert members of the Road Scholar faculty will bring an exhilarating vibrancy to each destination that you won’t find with most other learning experiences.

Their shipboard study cruises explore the world’s most fascinating waters — the Aegean Sea by cruise ship, Antarctic inlets by expedition vessel, or the canals of France by riverboat. As you travel from port to port, you’ll learn about history, art, ecology and culture from world-class instructors and local experts.

Road Scholar’s fundraising brings in nearly $2 million in donations every year, allowing them to offer enrichment grants to those who otherwise could not afford a Road Scholar trip. They bestow 300 such grants every year. Know a caregiver who needs a break? Spread the word about our Caregiver Grants.